Devil Lettuce

Many people would like to try medical cannabis for their illnesses, but often times they have difficulty overcoming the “pot and weed” stigma. And even when they are able to get past the the stigma, they then have their loved ones to deal with. Anti-cannabis family and friends can be so hard to convince that would-be cannabis patients will often give in to pressure and give up, never giving cannabis medicine a try. This post is meant to help with that cause.

More than a Book Review – Cannabis Revealed!

I have been busier than I should and have neglected my posts for far too long. It has been even longer since I have done a book review so here I go. Working in the medical cannabis industry, helping with grand kids and avoiding housework can really take it out of this old gal, but I have made some time for reading and have found some new books about medical cannabis that are very noteworthy. One of them has been an answer to my prayers and I’m going to tell you why in this post.

I want to help people find their way with medical cannabis, which is fairly easy when the patient is open and willing to learn. However, when they or their loved ones are still clinging to decades of propaganda regarding marijuana as a demon, gateway drug, there will often be resistance, struggle and hard feelings.

Cannabis Revealed
How the World’s Most Misunderstood Plant is Healing Everything from Chronic Pain to Epilepsy, by Bonni Goldstein, M.D.

Dr. Bonni Goldstein has created a book that deals with all the facts you need to know about our body’s Endocannabioid System. She uses scientific facts, but is able to write in such a way that healthcare practitioners as well as the rest of us can easily understand and apply this knowledge.

The Endocannabinoid System is just as important as any other system in our body, but is fairly new in it’s discovery, (1992). Studying this plant has been nearly impossible in America for 40 or more years, and the Endocannabinoid System hasn’t been taught about in medical schools until recently, and in some institutions it is barely touched upon at all. But no worries, because the much needed research IS finally happening, and the more we learn about it the more we understand its role in our health and well being. (Read more about the discovery of the Endocannabinoid system in this well written article).

This book also presents many case studies of people whom Dr. Goldstein has treated using cannabinoid therapy, for a wide variety of illnesses. Whether you are treating yourself or trying to convince a loved one that cannabis is not the devil’s lettuce, this book is a must read. You may even want to get a copy for your doctor if they are unsure about how marijuana can be medicine. I suggest purchasing a few copies if you can so you may pass one around and keep one for your own reference. As I mentioned before, I have been waiting for a book like this for a long time. There are some other books about the Endocannabinoid System available and I have read quite a few of them with much disappointment. They are either too vague, very poorly written and edited, or they just don’t present enough facts and are not cited properly. But this one is different and very special. If this will add to your decision, this book has been recommended for the 2017 Book of the Year by the American Botanical Council. Yup, it’s that good. This book is a game changer!

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